Top 10 $exiest Models Who Keep On Getting Hotter With Age

Models are not like the rest of us. How many people can say that they got their jobs based on solely their TBlooks? Do you have a feature that has made you world famous and landed you million-dollar advertising campaigns? Didn’t think so. Models definitely hit the genetic jackpot and they have the good bone structure, chiseled abs, glossy manes and countless other perfect features to prove it…

Here 10 supermodels just keeping getting hotter with age.

Cindy Crawford was one of the most iconic models of the 90s. You could not go anywhere without seeing her gorgeous face staring back at you on billboards, ad campaigns, televisions and even cosmetics displays.

Forget that stuff about Donald Trump saying that Heidi Klum is not a 10 anymore. Heidi was hot when she was younger and she still is now. Heidi is more like an 11+ on the hotness scale.

How to Apply Eyeshadow Makeup & Eye-Makeup Tutorials & Ideas

Applying eye makeup does not have to be complicated. We'll show you a quick and easy steps to classically attractive design eyeshadow, so that you can apply eye makeup as pro.The basic concept of any design eyeshadow to shape and shade in well-mixed progression from light to dark colors. Three key points keep in mind:

    Light colors will highlight or emphasize the shallow areas.
    Dark colors escape or minimize fuller prestigious areas.
    Always load your brush with a small amount of color, because it is easier to add more eye shadow than to remove it.

If Apply Eyeshadow

You can make your eye makeup, and then apply foundation or concealer on the rest of the face after. This will remove any eyeshadow that might flake on the area under your eyes, avoiding a lot of frustration. Preparatory your eye area of ​​the base and / or mask and set with a dusting powder.

Below are instructions on how to apply eye shadow design with 2-, 3- and 4-color. If you want to use only two or four colors (more than four tends to get too complicated and the results tend to be cloudy in appearance, when the mixing is not very precise), it is a step-by-step guide will help you to create a classic look that you can soften or rebuild.

It is best to complete each design eye with eyeliner and mascara.

NOTE: Please refer to the illustration above the eye to accommodate shades.
Brush Tips Before

    To find the perfect area for placing your hands, look straight ahead in the mirror to find the highest point of your eyebrow, and then follow the apparent vertical line that goes down to the crease of the eye.
    Set the brush down into the crease right on the imaginary line and start mixing in a few outside, following the true and just above the crease, where begins the eyebrows.
    Next, move the inside (think wiper movement) in the crease and along the edge of the eyebrow.
    Do not mix all the way to the inner corner of the eye, when your eyes are not noticeably wide apart.

Two-Color Design

The purpose of this classic, the overall design to apply a lighter color eyeshadow in the cover and deep color in the crease slightly mixing it up. The use of a lighter color on the entire eyelid make your tire bigger and brighter, hence creating rested appearance. You can also change the order, which may be useful for those with large bulging eyes or eyelids.

How to:

    Using a large eyeshadow brush to apply the lighter color to the bottom lashes and blend all the way up to the eyebrows.
    Then, using the definition of folds brush to apply a different shade at the crease mixing upwardly and outwardly to the outer corner of the eye at the edge where the eyebrow starts.
    Doing a second color, and just slightly above the fold will create a natural highlight under the brow arch, while shading the outer corner of the eye.
    For softer, diffused effect after folding color is applied, use the blending brush without eyeshadow and blend with a soft circular motions on the outside of the bend.

Three-Color Design

This design is based on the two-color design described above, but adds a third, darker color to shade the outer corner of the eye.

How to:

    Follow the instructions for the two-color design eye above.
    Once this is done, use the fold determination brush to apply the third hue to this area of ​​the fold
    Make sure that none of the dark shadows are not really on the eyelid or corner of the eye, where some colors mixed down on the outer third of the century, as well as in the fold.
    In the application of color in the crease of the eye, do not forget to stir up a little, and not follow the curve down eye.

Four-Color Design

This design is based on two-color and three colors is described in detail above, but adds a fourth color to a more intense darkening. In this arrangement, the third color, is generally used in slight creases and the rear corner of the eye. Fourth (dark) color skillfully applied to the corner. In combination, this look creates a form, shading, and movement.

How to:

    Follow the instructions for the design of three-color eye as described above.
    The fourth color is best applied with a brush eye shadow, for the detailed work that is less than or brush with a pointed head and tightly packed bristles.
    Apply color using the small bumps on the back corner of the eyelid only.
    This look is easy to make mistakes, as long as you have not had enough practice, so take time to experiment, to build confidence in achieving this look.
    You can reuse the third color in the crease to enhance the effect.

Basic Tips Eyeshadow

    Matte powder eyeshadow in an array of neutral colors from light to dark is your best bet for a classic, elegant design eye that accentuates the shape and color of your eyes.
    Adding luster is the best eyebrow only, especially if you have wrinkles around the eyes, or your skin age less than taut. There are many good powder eyeshadow, which give a soft, subtle shine to highlight this area.
    If you use only one color eyeshadow, use at least two eyeshadow brush to apply.
    Preparatory eyelid and under-brow area with a matte concealer, foundation and / or powder before applying eyeshadow. It provides a smooth, even application and (if you have fair to average skin) also neutralize the red and blue coloring century.
    Click excess eyeshadow from the wrist to the application. This prevents over-application and minimize flaking eyeshadow.
    If you really want to color your eyes pop, choose a contrasting color in a soft tone and apply it to the cover. Blue eyes come alive with pale peach or Cantaloupe shades, green eyes seem richer light bronze or caramel colors, hazel eyes become more alluring with chestnut and golden-brown shades and accented with beautiful brown eyes, almost all neutral tones .
    Choice for the following research group The Paula for shadows, eyeliners and other eye makeup essentials